I moved to Sydney Rd, Warriewood halfway through Year 9. Obsessed with surfing, my neck was chafed raw and the cuts on my feet from navigating North Narrabeen lagoon on low tide, were starting to emulate the insides of Warriewood blowhole. Mum, worried about my deep sea ulcers, unscrewed the bright green AM1 FCS fins out of my beloved 5’6 MXN model shaped by Brett Warner. This was my first ban from surfing as not even the booties that Mum bought me would let the sea ulcer heal.
I turned to Vimeo. It was here that I found this video in the Summer holidays of 13/14 and have been showing my mates ever since. Turimetta used to pump all year round and now a shell of its former self, I reflect on the exposed rocks that made that place so special. Here is Turimetta in all her glory.
Written by Julian Revell-Reade - 29th May 2020